The Conservationist's Way, created by the LoraKim Joyner, Unitarian Univeraslist minister and wildlife veterinarian working in Latin American avian conservation for 28 years, is about nourishing our inner life as we nurture our outer life, at the same time, for they are
inextricable. When we contribute to one we contribute to the other, and cannot
have one without the other. We must learn to solve problems, mine, yours,
theirs, and ours, out of a consciousness that our inner lives are radically
interconnected to the world around us, indeed there is no separation. All life
comes out of the stars and out of oceans, swimming eternally in a sea of beauty.
Unfortunately this sea is also full of predators, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. This is no easy
task before us. There is much that has been lost, and much yet to conserve. To
succeed we must challenge the norms around us, constantly strive to affirm the
inherent worth and dignity of the individuals who make up nature’s whole, do
the deep and painful work of rewiring our brains away from violence or
withdrawal, and practice the tools that both embrace and build upon human
The Conservationist's Way emphasizes tools which are practices for
self-nurturance. These tools for personal well-being and strength
ultimately direct our attention outward, and move us beyond tinkering to
actually constructing the world in which we wish to live, so that all may live
well. Each step along the conservationist's way is fundamentally about beauty
so that we can live with the tragedy, and find a way for all to flourish.
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